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Mini Session
4 or 5-Week Dance Exploration
In certain seasons of the year, JDC offers 4 or 5-Week Mini Sessions to give new dancers an opportunity to explore the structure and pace of a dance class.
Age 14-24 mo Classes will focus on gross and fine motor skills
Age 2-3 Classes will focus on ballet and creative movement
Age 4-6 Classes will focus on ballet and jazz
Age 7-12 (Summer Only) Classes will focus on ballet and jazz
All classes introduce technique and incorporate fun dances
New to JDC?
Use PromoCode 'JDC2023'
to receive 50% off Mini Session Tuition
Summer 2023
Session I: June 1 - June 26 (4 weeks)
Session II: July 18 - August 10 (4 weeks)
New to JDC? Use Online Promo Code 'JDC2023' to receive 50% Off Tuition
(Terms and Conditions apply)

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